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Report International SCI Art Projekt, March 2022

After we had already offered two online art projects through SCI-Germany in the last two years, we now gathered in the international space to form an artist community and exchange ideas over a period of 14 days. No previous experience was required.

18 participants between 20 and 64 years of age took part, we came from Germany, Ireland, Italy, Canada, Mexico and Russia. Despite the great distances and different time zones, we found common times for our online meetings, where we could meet and exchange ideas about our works and topics.

Four times we met together online at the PC to exchange ideas in small groups or to work together, each at his or her own work table. In the time between the meetings, we went out into nature or to the work table to look for inspiration and then work individually artistically at home. We painted, wrote, drew, glued, transformed, collaged and photographed with simple materials and media.  Watercolors, pencils, old newspapers, papers, glue, natural materials, and cell phone cameras were what we needed.

In addition, we shared information about ourselves, methods, interesting topics, and music/videos via a padlet.

Since the project started at the beginning of March 2022, we were inevitably confronted with the war in Ukraine. Some works are very much about this topic and the shock and dismay of the participants about war and destruction found its expression in the works and conversations.

The project was evaluated extremely positively, here is some feedback from the participants:

- Loved the exchange and meeting different people from different backgrounds and places.


- It was a very cool experience where we learned to be creative.

- Even above my expectations.

- An amazing experience I didn’t think it would be as valuable to me as it was.

 - I liked the calm moments while painting together in the meeting listening to relaxing musik.

- All people are creative and you don't need to have great skills to be a good painter

- Painting with music and although we met "only" online, painting in a group

- It encouraged and strengthened me to work together and experience connection with people worldwide especially during this time, where one major crisis follows the other, and where the war in Ukraine casts a shadow on everything. 

- I’d like to thank everyone because of their willingness to share something every meeting, and I really appreciate the time and effort everyone makes to attend the meetings as well as I thank Ulla for sharing all the creative methods with us.

May, 2022, Ulla Bolder-Jansen