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Incoming-Broschüre 2008

The Incoming Program is an exchange programme with our SCI branches in Asia and with our partner organisations in
Africa, Latin America and Middle East. Each year, volunteers from the South get the opportunity to stay for 2 months in
Europe, hosting by different SCI branches. Thereby, the exchange of volunteers is not only from the North to the South
but also in the other way.
This program involves interaction between people with different conceptions about life, different ways of perceiving things and with different point of view. It promotes mutual understanding among nations and shows that people can live and work peacefully towards one common goal

In September, international volunteers joined in Cologne to exchange and discuss their ideas and knowledge, and live new experiences together.

During one month, the volunteers worked on educational project. They created workshops about a special topic and presented them at schools. This year the topic was “Food and Globalisation: without borders?”
