“Learning Lab(oratory)” – Training

Call for Applications
“Learning Lab(oratory) – quality non-formal education in the digital world”
30th March to 6th April, Poznań, Poland
The Project
With the “Learning Lab(oratory) – quality non-formal education in the digital world” project, we aim to improve the quality of the non-formal and informal learning aspects of volunteering activities in our organisations, in both physical and online formats.
The project has 5 main components:
1. Learning Lab(oratory) Training Course (30 March - 6 April 2022, Poznań, Poland): Key aspects of the training: organising and running high-quality learning activities in both in-person and online environments, digital laboratory: gaining confidence in using various online tools, working on plans how to offer inclusive volunteering opportunities and reach new groups who could then strengthen your organisation as volunteers.
2. Three thematic webinars (April-June 2022)
3. Learning Lab(oratory) Pro Training Course (7-14 July 2022, Emen, Bulgaria)
4. Practice time (April-September 2022)
5. Facilitator’s Cards, Infographic for Inclusion and an Open Webinar (August-November 2022)
Details for components 2. - 5. will be published soon. You can apply either for just one of the training courses or both.
The Venue
The training course will take place in Poznań, a vibrant city with great transport connections (international trains and buses, airport, highway). We are thrilled to invite you to a dream place that combines city and nature! You will be accomodated in Hotel Camping Malta near to a lake 3 km from the city of Poznań.
The Team
The seminar will be facilitated by an experience team of trainers, Natalie Jivkova and Gośka Tur.
At the training course, you will:
- understand better what a quality non-formal learning is, what its elements are and how to provide such learning experiences to all young people,
- learn innovative methods for enhancing the learning processes directed towards young people,
- explore tools for supporting digital learning and online volunteering,
- find creative and engaging ways for turning regular educational activities into an online format,
- discuss how to provide more inclusive and versatile learning opportunities for young people, including such with fewer opportunities,
- exchange ideas, good practices, inspirations, and share resources,
- plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion
Participants Profile
Our ideal course participants are educators and trainers (also to-be trainers), leaders, volunteers, and youth workers with an interest in non-formal education, online learning and its applications in their work with young people.
The most important for us is your motivation and willingness to provide high quality non-formal education activities in online and in-person settings. We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, abilities and ethnic backgrounds to apply!
There are a few formal requirements you need to satisfy to join the training course:
1. You need to be a resident of one of the 9 project countries mentioned on the cover page.
2. You must be able to communicate in English (the working language of the course).
3. You must be at least 18 years of age.
4. You need to attend the whole course duration (there is no possibility to make exceptions).
5. You commit yourself to organise a follow-up action in your local community/country upon the course completion (it can be e.g. a workshop, workcamp, training or other educational activity).
How to apply
If you find yourself a suitable candidate for the course, please fill in the application by 13.02.2022. You will be notified of the selection results by 23.02.2022.
For your successful placement we usually charge a fee between 30 and 80 Euros, for members between 15 and 65 Euros (depending on self-assessment).
If you have any other questions you can contact Britta Lang-Azizi.