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Incoming-Broschüre 2006

After finishing the “Incoming-Programme 2006 “successfully, it is time for us to give you some details on what we have done. The following report is an overview about our activities.

But before we go in the inside, we would like to thank all of the participants who came a long way to join “The Incoming-Programme 2006”. We do appreciate your engagement and support for ensuring the success of our Programme. You have done such a great job, friends!!

Our regards are directed as well to all the institutions involved: without all of you this “Incoming-Programme” would not have been possible. We hope that we can tighten up the co-operation.

Finally, we would like to thank all German SCI members who have been so much of helpful and really patient during the preparation and duration of “The Incoming -Programme 2006”.

Now, enough introduction. We hope that you will enjoy reading our little presentation and that
we will spark your interest in our Programme.

Yours Sony Hermawan
On behalf of SCI Incoming Team
Germany 2006
